The Scientific Method of Research | Steps of Scientific Method


In this article, I will discuss that what is the scientific method of research with its complete steps. We will also discuss that what is the steps of scientific method. Firstly I will define the word science.

What is Science - Science is a process or method for generating a body of knowledge. We use the word science in our daily lives in three senses.
  • Science as Knowledge.
  • Science as Behavior.
  • Science as Investigation.
Nowadays, the scientific method is used in the research of all sciences. Because research done by methods other than the scientific method is not very popular.
At present, the physical and social sciences are all using the scientific method of research.

Scientific Method | History of Scientific Method

Psychology as science uses the scientific method, which is a set of procedures designed to establish general laws through evaluating theories that attempt to describe, explain, and predict phenomena.

What is scientific method?

The scientific method involves explicitly stated theories. Hypothesis are made from such theories and their systematic, critical evaluation through objective controlled, empirical investigations, and conclusions that are open public scrutiny, analysis, and replication is the scientific method.

Conclusions about reality can be made in at least four different ways:
  • On Faith.
  • On Common Sense or Intuition.
  • On Logic.
  • Analysis of Empirical Data.

Steps of a Scientific Method

Here is scientific method 5 steps:

1. Identifying the Problem and Hypothesis Formation

The first step of a scientific method is Identifying the Problem and Hypothesis Formation.

The beginning point of any scientific method involves identifying a problem, which is actually a simple process.

All one has to do look at the events taking place, and numerous problems that need solutions. Child abuse, cancer, alcoholism, and crime are just a few of the more apparent problems.

Once the problem has been stated, a research-able hypothesis is formulated.

2. Designing the Experiment

The second step of a scientific method is Designing the Experiment. Designing the Experiment is a very crucial stage.

Proper controls over extraneous variables have to be established, and the experimental variables as well as the response variables must be specified.

3. Conducting the Experiment

The third step of a scientific method is conducting the experiment.

After the experiment has been designed, the researcher must make a number of very important decisions regarding the actual conduct of the experiment.

What subjects are to be used, what instructions are necessary, and what equipment and materials are needed.

4. Hypothesis Testing

The fourth step of a scientific method is Hypothesis Testing.

After the data have been collected, the experimenter must analyze and interpret the data to determine if the stated hypothesis has been supported.

The investigator must decide on the appropriate statistical analysis.

5. Communicating the Research Results

The fifth step of a scientific method is Communicating the Research Results.

After the data has been analyzed, scientists want to communicate the results to others. Communication most frequently takes place through professional journals in a field.

Consequently, the scientist must write a research report that states how to research was conducted and what was found.

Frequently Asked Questions | FAQs

When was the scientific method first created and applied? | When was the scientific method invented?

The scientific method first introduced in the time frame as 1561-1726.

Who developed scientific method?

Scientific method was developed by Sir Francis Bacon.

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