Steps of Quantitative Research Process | Quantitative Research Methods


In this article, I will discuss what quantitative research method and in detail. As quantitative research is depend upon statistics and its conclusions. Further we will discuss when to use quantitative research design.

Definition of Quantitative Research | What does Quantitative Research Mean

In quantitative research, the researcher collects data to find out norms, frequency, and variance, and draws conclusions based on them.

Similarly, in quantitative research, many people look surprised when social researcher claims to measure strange and invisible things such as affection, self-esteem, ideology, political power, hate, or alienation.

Likewise measurements of such topics which have only the theoretical approach is not possible but the social scientist are trying to measure these invisible affairs.

In quantitative research, the process of measurements begins after formulating a research question and determine the variables and units of analysis that he or she will use in a research project.

In contrast, the main concern in quantitative research is to develop clear definitions and to create measures that will yield precise and accurate findings.

Quantitative measurement is a deductive process. It involves taking a concept or idea that developing the measure, a device, and procedure or an instrument to observe it empirically.

The process begins with concepts and ends with specific concrete indicators. A researcher uses measures to produce data in the form of numbers.

Actually, the process is interactive because concepts become clearer and better define as research develops measures for them.

Process or Steps for Quantitative Research Measurement

Choice of Quantitative Research Question or Problem

There are many problems around us that need solutions. Every researcher has a specific field of interest. 

He identifies the problem for research in this particular field according to his tendencies and preferences, and focuses on the following issues:
  1. Acquisition of relevant content.
  2. Deep study.
  3. Discuss with experts.

Determined the Variables in Quantitative Research

In this section, variables are identified and correlated with it.

Developing a Hypothesis in Quantitative Research

Hypotheses are made for research and later accepted or rejected through research. It also facilitates overall research.

Analysis of Units in Quantitative Research

It analysis the data and instruments which are used in research. It also conducts research as in units.

Clear Definitions in Quantitative Research

All definitions and data are clearly stated in the research, there is no ambiguity.

Precise Accurate Findings in Quantitative Research

Research should be precise and accurate. Waste content is removed from research, and data is used as needed. In this way, the research becomes concise and comprehensive.

Results Interpretation

At the end of quantitative research, the results are interpreted statistically in the form of numbers, charts, and diagrams.

Qualitative Research Methods


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